The Magic of Matrix Energetics

Dr. Richard Bartlett is a wild man!

Of course, I mean that in a good way. Meeting Richard and being introduced to Matrix Energetics was one of those experiences after which life has no longer been the same!

In over 30 years of attending and leading personal development and transformational trainings and events, I have NEVER experienced anything quite like Richard’s teaching style. Nor have I experienced anything remotely like Matrix Energetics, which Richard brought into the world a few years ago. On stage Richard expresses what I recognized immediately as "crazy wisdom", as it’s called in the Sufi tradition. In the shamanic tradition he is coyote medicine personified. And it works.

The only thing that is remotely in the same ball park with Matrix Energetics is when I learned and later taught firewalking and other breakthrough, experiential events at the Firewalk Institute for Research and Education (F.I.R.E.) in the high Sierras with Tolly Burkan over ten years ago.

I was first exposed to Matrix when our friend Jim Running Wolf returned from a Matrix workshop in April and began "working" on me and Layne. I had recently injured my back and the pain was not going away. Jim did some Matrix with me and the pain disappeared in less than five minutes, never to return.

Then Jim asked if I would like for him to show me what he learned. He didn’t need to ask twice!

I had the same immediate impression with Matrix that I had over thirty years ago when I had my first Rebirthing Breathwork experience with Sondra Ray at Leonard Orr’s Theta Seminars in San Francisco. And that impression was a profound sense that I already know this work, I know how to do this, I just need someone to show me and remind me. Following my Breathwork training I enjoyed a long and amazing career practicing and teaching Breathwork with many thousands of people.

Anyway, I began practicing the Matrix that Jim was showing me with him and Layne, then eventually others, including willing clients. It came as naturally and easily as breathing.

I went to my first Matrix Levels 1 & 2 workshop in L.A. in June, which is where I met Richard. It was life changing in much the same way as Breathwork and Firewalking, only different. When I returned home I began working with clients long distance, over the phone, and they were experiencing positive results.

In the late ’80’s Layne and I learned a variety of "energy psychology" procedures and techniques that we have been using ever since, along with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). And while all of these tools have been extremely effective and transformed our work at the time, Matrix Energetics is something of an entirely different order – yet is easily integrated with those modalities.

Layne and I returned a week ago from the Matrix Energetics Levels 1, 2 & 3 workshops in Denver. I deepened my experience with Matrix during this review of Levels 1 & 2 and went even deeper in Level 3. Now, Layne and I are seeing all the ways we can incorporate Matrix Energetics with our relationship work to make it even easier and more effective.

For awhile now we have been asking for an even easier, faster and more elegant way of working with our clients and students that would produce miraculous results. Enter Matrix Energetics!

We will be using Matrix Energetics in our Relationship Savvy Group Coaching Programs starting in September. We are already using it with clients on the phone and in person. If you are interested to know more about Relationship Savvy, there are two programs, Relationship Savvy 1 starts September 9 and Relationship Savvy 2 starts September 3. Each one is limited to only 12 participants.

Here is a six minute video introduction to Dr. Bartlett and Matrix Energetics that you might enjoy. You should be sitting down when you watch this!

Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think or any questions you may have.

5 responses to “The Magic of Matrix Energetics”

  1. Hi Zannie,

    Great question! We’re looking forward to seeing how this will work, too. Most likely we will be doing Matrix for the group as a whole and possibly with individuals during sessions as we move along in the coaching program.


  2. it is a great clip and I would be interested to know how all of this is incorporated into group coaching. wonderful to experience cooyote wisdom and magic too?

  3. Hi Colleen,

    I found my second time through Levels 1 & 2 to be really different than the first one I took in LA. I saw others in Denver from my LA workshop and they agreed that it was very different the second time. Plus, Richard did quite a few things differently, so it wasn’t just my subjective experience. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

    Blessings — Paul

  4. Hey Pamela,

    I’m glad you’ll be doing the Matrix workshop. Be sure to let us know how it was for you when you get home. We’ll be curious to hear!

    Love — Paul

  5. Hi Paul and Layne,

    I am very interested in this process and technique. I am looking at the one scheduled for September in San Francisco, as I can stay with my daughter and drive over with her. It will be interesting to see how you incorporate this into relationship healing work. Thanks for sharing this with us! Pamela

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